Having been a pastor for 22 years of four different churches I understand the pressures, obstacles and warfare you face every day as you lead your church to do God’s will. I know that we are living in a time when many pastors have given up on having revival meetings but I want to encourage you to have a revival and use a vocational evangelist. I believe one of the reasons for the decline of

conversions and baptisms in our day is because so many churches are no longer having revival meetings or using evangelists. I believe we are living in desperate times and the church needs revival more than ever before. The good news is that the lost seem to be more open and receptive to the Gospel now more than perhaps ever before. While these are difficult days they are exciting days as well!
I still believe that God uses revival meetings and old fashioned preaching of evangelists to bring about spiritual awakening and to reap the harvest. I hope that you will prayerfully consider scheduling me for a revival, harvest meeting or crusade. It is my policy to go to any church regardless of the size or location. All I ask is that you take up a love offering and take care of my expenses.
I want to encourage you to do something big for God and His kingdom! A revival meeting or crusade could change your church forever and think of the lives that will be touched and changed for eternity!
If you feel led to have me come to your church please contact me as soon as possible and I will be happy to work out a time suitable for you.
God bless you Pastor,
Sam Moore