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Dear Pastor,  

I want to thank you for inviting me to be with you and your congregation for a meeting. After having served as a pastor for twenty-two years, I understand some of the concerns that many pastors have in using a full-time evangelist. For that reason I am sending you my statement of policies that guide this ministry, in hope that it will eliminate any concerns that you may have.



I will do my very best to seek the Lord for my messages and follow His leading in the selection of every message I preach. Since, as an evangelist, I preach on an average of at least five times a week it is likely that some messages will be repeated in other meetings. There are some messages that the Lord just seems to bless and they need to be repeated. You can be assured that I will preach what the Lord leads me to preach for your church.


The Invitation

 I believe the evangelist is gifted to give the invitation and draw the net. I promise you that in no way will I use manipulation or pressured tactics in order to get people down the aisle. The Invitation will be clear, to the point and I will leave the results in God’s hands.


The Love Offering

I will never promote the love offering. I believe that is the responsibility of the pastor to properly promote the love offering and encourage the people to give as God leads. As a evangelist, the majority of my financial support comes from the love offering. A wise pastor will recognize those needs and lead his church to give a worthy offering. I ask that you make the love offering check payable to Sam Moore Evangelistic Ministries, and please have the checks ready for me when I leave.


Travel Expenses

My policy is to go to any church, anywhere, for a love offering plus travel expenses. If I drive please reimburse me for my mileage as the IRS allows, if I have to fly, please take care of my airfare. The expense check should be separate from the love offering.



As an evangelist I am in a different church practically every week, and I will prefer to stay at a comfortable hotel or motel if possible. The church will need to make the reservations prior to my coming. It can be very stressful for both the evangelist and the host family when staying in a home. A hotel or a private place to stay gives me the privacy I need to study and prepare as well as to relax. This is not a demand, but simply a request.



 I am coming to serve you and your church. I will be glad to go with you out into the community to make evangelistic, soul- winning visits. I need to have adequate time in the mornings for prayer and study, but I keep my afternoons open for visitation with the pastor. I will gladly adjust my schedule as needed.



Thank you again for inviting me to be with you and your church. I want to be a blessing and encouragement to you and I look forward to spending some time with you. I will be praying that God will give us a fruitful meeting and that your church will be strengthened, encouraged and challenged.



Doing the work of an Evangelist,

Sam Moore

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