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Dr. Tom Hatley, Pastor

Immanuel Baptist Church Rogers, Arkansas

Immanuel Baptist Church is proud to claim Bro. Sam as our Staff Evangelist.

He is our missionary to America!



Dr. Gregory E. Hyler

FBC North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Sam Moore is an exceptional evangelist. I have known Sam for years, traveled the world with him, and watched in awe as God used him to reach multitudes. In him one finds a heart burning for souls, an intellect saturated with the Word, and a skillful ability to communicate. He connects with any audience, and his messages impact both saved and lost. For every church/pastor with a desire to reach people, I would highly recommend Sam Moore without. His calling is without question, and he has the power of God is upon his life.



Rusty Kuhn, Pastor

Millcreek Baptist Church Picayune, Mississippi

Pastors, I give the highest recommendation to Evangelist Sam Moore. He is a true God-called and God-gifted evangelist. We had him for a Beast Feast on Saturday that prepared the way for our revival Sunday through Wednesday, where we saw twenty-nine people saved. Bro. Sam has a love for the church, a respect for pastors, and a deep passion to see lost souls saved. Without compromise, he preaches the Word of God. He is also greatly gifted at giving a proper invitation that God uses to draw in the lost. You and your church will be blessed through his ministry of evangelism.

More importantly, you will see lost souls saved!



Keith Thomas, Senior Pastor

Hodge Baptist Church Hodge, Louisiana

It is an honor to recommend Evangelist Sam Moore for your next special meeting or revival. I invited him to my rural country church to preach a revival in 2020. I just finished my fourth revival with Bro. Sam this May of 2023. Four straight years I have entrusted the pulpit to him, and four straight years we have seen a move of God and a harvest. I am a firm believer in utilizing a servant of God with the calling and gift of an evangelist. This gift is truly evident as the Spirit of God blesses his invitation with a harvest of souls. His invitations are clear and anointed. He has a great balance of fiery, scriptural preaching and Holy Spirit control. His command of scripture is evident. With his experience as a pastor he has a love for the church and respects the position and authority of the local pastor. He arrives on the church campus with a desire to see souls saved and be of service to the church and the pastor. We speak with each other frequently and pray for each other. Pastors, you will have blessed times of fellowship with Bro. Sam. You will find yourself with a new lifelong friend in the ministry. I encourage you to make it a matter of prayer to invite him for a revival meeting, tent crusade, preaching conference, men’s conference, or special days.



​Ronnie Owens, Senior Pastor

Higher Ground Baptist Church Kingsport, Tennessee

Praise the Lord! I'm excited to recommend one of the finest evangelists I've had the privilege to have for a revival, Sam Moore. He is a great preacher of the Word. In every service he gives a clear and plain invitation. Many people were saved in each service. He is very easy to work with. You will love Sam Moore.



Roland Hebert, Pastor
New Hope Baptist Church 
DeQuincy, Louisiana

I highly recommend Bro Sam Moore to any pastor that is considering calling an evangelist. I have used him in several revivals over the past twelve years. He preaches the Word without apology or doubt. The Gospel and the invitation is always presented clearly for all to hear and understand. 
I encourage pastors to invite him to your church,  and I know out church will certainly use him again! 



Gary McDevitt, Pastor 
First Baptist Church Prue, Oklahoma

Bro Sam is a great and gifted evangelist! He is sold out to evangelism both ministerially and personally. I’ve seen him in action both personally and in the pulpit. He takes seriously his call to witness personally, and operates as a gifted evangelist in the pulpit. He preached the Word if God, not stories with a Scripture tacked on. He is genuine in every sense of the Word snd never manipulates his listeners. We’ve had him come multiple times to FBC Prue, OK. He is also a great friend to pastors. Love him dearly and definitely recommend him to your church! 



Dr. Tommy Synder, Senior Pastor

First Baptist Church Batesville, Mississippi  

It is with great joy that I recommend Bro. Sam Moore to my Pastor Brethren. Bro. Sam is a vocational evangelist that has the touch of God upon his life. Pastors are looking for men who will preach the simple gospel, in a straightforward message, with a loving spirit. Bro. Sam emulates those qualities in his ministry and his message. Bro. Sam preached at our “Wild Game Supper” on Saturday night and then preached a Sunday - Wednesday revival. We saw 40 people saved through the supper and revival! Our people fell in love with him and we will definitely have him back. 


Dr. Jerry Spencer
President, Jerry Spencer Ministries

I heartily recommend evangelist Sam Moore. In addition to being a loving family man, Sam has the eight key qualities of a HARVEST EVANGELIST. 

He is called of God. He is a man of personal integrity. He is annointed by the Holy Spirit. He is an active personal soul winner. The fruit of the Spirit is evident in his daily walk with Christ. He loves the local church and ministers under the leadership of the pastor.

He is a powerful preacher of God’s Word. When he lovingly extends the invitation, under the control of the Holy Spirit, souls are saved. When you have Sam Moore in your church, God will do a work in the hearts of your people, the lost will be converted, and CHRIST will be GLORIFIED! 



Brian Ray, Pastor
First Baptist Church Robeline, Louisiana

Bro. Sam Moore has preached a revival for us every year since 2010. God has moved mightily moved in every meeting with many coming to Christ. The first revival meeting which was scheduled for 4 days was extended to 13 days and resulted in over 60 people saved! Sam definitely  is a God – called evangelist and has the gift to reap. He is a pastors friend, brother and mentor.  I highly recommend that you utilize Sam for your next revival meeting.




Rob Grimm, Pastor
First Baptist Church, Southwest City, Missouri 

In my thirty-eight years of pastoral ministry, Sam Moore is the most effective evangelist I have ever known. Bro. Sam did a Sun-Wed Revival for us at First Baptist Church, Southwest City, Mo in September 2012 and we had forty professions of faith! He preaches the Word of God, is sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and doesn’t use manipulative tactics to get decisions. Sam is a man of integrity, ministering to any church regardless of size. I look forward to having him back at our church again and would highly recommend him to any Pastor or church that is ready to see God move in a supernatural way!




Junior Hill, Evangelist
Hartselle, A

In a day when full-time evangelists are rapidly disappearing from our churches, 
Sam Moore is like a fresh breath of air.  He is a man willing to go to any church, preach the Word faithfully, love and honor the pastor, and leave good impressions behind him.  I love Sam and am so impressed with his warm and unassuming spirit.  I want to encourage churches to use this precious man.  
He will be a real blessing to your church.



Dr. Richard Kaufman

Pastor, Martin Baptist Church Coushatta, Louisiana

Fruit in Sam’s ministry is clear evidence of Gods calling on his life as an evangelist. I would encourage pastors to use him.


Dave Robinson, Pastor 
Isney Baptist Church S
ilas, Alabama 

I would like to recommend Bro. Sam Moore to you. He has preached revivals for me in two different churches I’ve pastored, on numerous occasions. The revivals are always Spirit- led and we always see people saved. He has been gifted by God to preach a clear, simple Gospel message and draw the net. He is sensitive to the leading of the Spirit and his messages are always right on target. I’m proud to call him my friend. 



1901 SW Pine Ave.

Bentonville, Arkansas 72713

Phone: (479) 381-1170


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