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Wild game suppers


“I have become all things to all men that I might by all means save some." (I Cor 9:22)

Several years ago, God put on my heart as an evangelist to take the passion I have for hunting and the outdoors and to use it to reach lost men with the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Wild Game Supper Events have proven to be a very effective way to do that. I have been an avid hunter most of my life and I have hunted everything from rabbits, squirrels, pheasants, doves, ducks, and even elk out in Colorado! My favorite animal to hunt is the whitetail deer! Today all of my hunting time is focused on chasing big dominate, trophy bucks. I’ve had the privilege of hunting in Kansas, Northern Missouri, Arkansas, Alabama, Tennessee and Louisiana. I usually keep about three hunting licenses every year for three different states. While occasionally I do hunt with a rifle or muzzleloader, I’m primarily a “bowhunter.” 

I hope you will consider having a wild game supper event in your church to reach lost people. Specifically “Lost Men!”  A lot of folks will come to an event of this type that might not normally come to a regular church service. If these events are done right, you can expect to see great results! 

We have had these events where as many as 70 professions of faith were made in one evening! It’s not unusual at all to see 20-30 professions of faith, depending on the number in attendance. I provide you with materials to help you prepare and plan for the event in the right way. 

If you should decide to invite me to speak at your event I will talk a lot about about hunting and hunters, and I can assure you I will talk about Jesus, tell them why they need to be saved and how to be saved, and I will give them an opportunity to trust Christ that evening during the event! If you will follow the instructions I give for preparation and saturate your event with prayer, I believe you could see dozens saved! 

If interested in booking a wild game supper event with me, I would consider it an honor to come and help you with your event! 


Bro. Sam

John 14:6 

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1901 SW Pine Ave.

Bentonville, Arkansas 72713

Phone: (479) 381-1170


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