About SAM
Sam Moore was born again when he was 24 years old and called to preach shortly after his conversion. He began his ministry at age 28 and served as a pastor for 22 years of four different churches, one in North Carolina and three in Arkansas. His last church was a new church plant which he and his family began in September 2000. He has a degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina (1995).
Having sensed God’s call on his life to be an Evangelist, he resigned the pastorate in 2009 to enter vocational evangelism as a full-time Southern Baptist Evangelist.
In addition to being a pastor and church planter he has preached several revivals, crusades, harvest days and bible conferences in the states and has kept a full schedule since entering full-time evangelism. He has preached several evangelistic meetings globally in Africa, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Haiti and India.
While as a pastor he served our convention on associational, state and national levels. He is a member of ”COSBE” Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists.
He is a personal soul-winner and has trained several churches in personal evangelism. He has a burning passion to see lost people saved and to see the local church revived. While it is evident that Sam has the call and gift of an evangelist, because of his years of experience as a pastor, he is especially sensitive to the needs of each church he goes to and is an encouragement to the pastor.
He and his wife Annette, have three grown children, one son and two daughters and they have eight grandchildren.
They make their home in Bentonville, Arkansas, and are members at Immanuel Baptist Church in Rogers, Ar. with Dr. Tom Hatley, Pastor, where Sam serves as the Staff Evangelist.